Filey, I burst into tears after the third verdict. Held my breath between each verdict. I pray for his soul to rest easy now.

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Me too - like the Floyd family said “it’s painful Justice”

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I have SO many graphics, the terms I teach courses, in forensics, mental health law, and a few other classes under that 'umbrella,' when I will have the rogue (or at least idiotic enough to write the quiet parts out loud) for the student who tries to say "There is no difference in the 'stops, type of stops, number of convictions, remands, reasons for remand, conviction, length of sentence, murders, etc," .......they can never explain how 13% of the population comprises such an 'upside down percentage' in the numbers (or they 'can't explain in ways that fit the narrative they want to admit). One of my 'favorite' mind f@ck activities, for everyone that 'claims' they have no bias and are all 'even minded' and woke. I but up a graphic of 12 cases of 'adolescent cases' that could be 'potentially tried as adults.' All of the details of the case are slightly different in what the factors were, mitigating circumstances, seriousness. The only 'detail' I slip in a few of the cases overtly, 'race,' but don't point this out. I then go around and have a class discussion, have them 'tally up,' note which of the cases would be suggested to go to 'juvenile and which to adult' court and jail. The difference and factors of the cases are fairly cut and dry. When we went through as a class, and discussed the 'factors, criterion, circumstances, and law,' and looked at which cases would have 'actually been 'referred up,' and which would have been kept in the juvenile system,' I drop my doe eyed, "Hum....what was it about those few cases that seemed to so many students get those wrong? Let's have a look......" Then I highlight the 'single factor.' They are never pleased with me, but....I can live with that as long as some of them eventually turn that back toward themselves. I know it sticks with them, I've heard back from quite a few.

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THANK YOU. I am sick to my stomach, too.

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Perfect poem and song for today. ♥️

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True words 🤘🏼

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I find myself, for the second time this year, completely overwhelmed with emotion. Laughter, cheers, tears and heartache, all in the same fraction of a moment. I am truly grateful to Our Lord for giving these jurors the where-with-all to review and discuss the information presented to them in a manner that allowed them to come to this conclusion of guilt. My heart aches for them. I imagine more than a few sleepless nights, reliving the horror of all the despicable details that were uncovered during the trial. I pray for them, as well as the Floyd family and friends.

(w/a very odd feeling of "Tiny Tim" kinda vibe) <3

While there's life, there is hope. I shall forever remain hopeful...

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I hope everyone can hang in there and keep their heads above the water so to speak.

While there are many wonderful, dedicated people working in our criminal justice system, we still have so much work to do to fix the inequalities and inequities with the system.

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Like someone on TV just said: A conviction of Chauvin is the MINIMUM. It is the LEAST we can do.

And IMO: If we don't get this right, then I am not sure where this country is headed.

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I genuinely believe jurors are the heart and soul of our justice system. Today they restored a bit more of my faith.

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Thank god, guilty.

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Honestly even without it, I’m not sure where this country is headed. Part of that is my pessimism and I try to remind myself without good people trying to push back against the darkness we are surely lost.

There is nothing that those who back the insurrectionists, the militias, and hate groups would like more than for the people who are fighting the good fight to give up. And that all difficult tasks come with set backs.

A significant amount of the propaganda Russia has been serving us for years has aimed to exploit on our divisions, it is one of our massive weak spots for national security. (Google foundations of geopolitics, a text taught in Russian defense academies. Oh look brexit is in there too.)

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Yes. We live in disturbing and scary times. And I keep watching hearings in the House and Senate and listening to Republicans (especially the ones who encouraged the insurrection), we are a long way from anything considered normal and decent.

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Music has played a very large part in my sanity my entire life. (not so secretly long to be backup singer for Stevie Nicks) Here are two that immediately came to mind today. The original interpretations of these lyrics may differ, but they are applicable to today's environment...

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