Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Thank you for all the information and interpretation as it relates. Let’s look forward next year with justice being served and motivated democracy lovers taking charge. Peace.

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Spicy, have a wonderful time with the fam, and make sure to relax a bit! This is my 2nd Christmas in a row alone. I at least have my relative health at 66! It's been an "interesting" year, and I'm grateful to have you helping us all break it down<3

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Happy holidays Filey! We stayed home (both kids had nasty non-Covid bugs) and cooked and watched movies. Hope you got a little rest. Sounds like you been busy. I’m using your busy stories at work to help motivate me to keep writing my dissertation. Writing about some heavy stuff. Woof. Take care!

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A very merry Christmas and a joyous new year! Rest, recharge, enjoy family, and celebrate!

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Enjoy the excitement of kids at Christmas! Lots of local daughter driving visiting time including retrieving lost luggage here. Lol

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