Aug 12, 2022Liked by File411

Thanks Filey. Things are heating up. 🔥 I have to say the MSM have really been pissing me off ever since the raid was announced. It’s just not Trump & Co that’s going to get someone killed (especially in law enforcement) it’s the media too (and I’m not just talking about Fox News). They should know better what to talk about publicly and what not to. Ugh. Have a great weekend. 💜

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The Trump-Titanic should be trending on social media because the intellectual contorting by the Trump-GOP to defend the absolute indefensible, it’s amusing but it’s also horrifying. The bottom line is Trump broke the law, he likely jeopardized our Country’s National Security and possibly caused irreparable diplomatic issues. In short if any other person did what Trump did:

-there would be NO negotiations (the NARA attempted for 15 months to clawback the documents)

-if you or I did this, zero doubt we’d be in a holding cell looking down the barrel of a multi count indictment facing decades in federal prison.

-there’s literally zero logical justification but I’ll admit I kind of love knowing that Trump & Patel (put a pin in Patel because he’s about to go through some things) flailing in the wind tunnel



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Aug 12, 2022Liked by File411

Love you, Filey!💖 Your timely & expert info is a continual amazement to me! Have lots of saltwater therapy this weekend!!

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by File411

Thank you and I’ll be checking back again later for updates

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Update LIVE apologies I was 13 minutes late


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Thank you so much for sharing! I appreciate all that you do to inform us on factual information & that there are in fact, 2 warrants!!! I’m still just so shocked at how Trump really thought he’d get away w/all this! Unbelievable! Again, thank you for taking the time to update us!

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My pleasure the update has a lot of information but it occurred to me that back in 2019 the local Palm Beach paper published an article that a (temporary) SCIF was built at Mar A Largo —I’m genuinely curious to find out:

-is the 2019 (temporary) SCIF still in tact at Mar A Largo?

-based on Exhibit A, that SCIF was part of the authorized locations to search

-assuming arguendo that SCIF is still there —where any of the documents seized stored in that SCIF…

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I’ll be back at 8:00 for the “rest of the story”😉

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You are the best, and, you are invaluable to us laypeople out here. Thank you for giving us so much of yourself…even during self-care. It doesn’t go unnoticed or unappreciated.

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Thank you -your comment was the highlight of my otherwise craptastic day

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Thank you! Everything is coming out fast and furious. Take care of yourself! ❤️❤️❤️

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First, been meaning to call, and let's promise to call and catch up this week. Second, can you imagine how beside myself I was that not ANY show, by ANY network, even the ones HOSTED by their alleged legal correspondents, took a beat to say, "Hum.... the subject of the authorized search (not a raid) is given a copy of the search warrant upon it's execution." You know, even though this makes me internally scream to type, even people who get all their legaling and massive wealth of lawyerly knowledge from shows like Law and Order, they actually do PROVIDE and ANNOUNCE a copy of the search warrant when they show up at someone's home when they execute the search, so the fact that the the ENTIRE MSM, EVEN the lawyers with their own hour long shows on what we would consider 'left leaning' or 'independent networks' fell into the 'unseal the warrant' narrative the right churned up, instead to Mango Mussolini, "Boop I've got your nose, oop what's that in your pocket," and then immediately used a wet wipe to get all the orange make up off their hand...unless you ask Sarah Slanders, she swears that look is 'all natural.'

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100% I’ll call you on Sunday night but yes your comment caused me to spit out my bubbly water all over my keyboard 🤦🏻‍♀️😂🤦🏻‍♀️

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Aug 13, 2022Liked by File411

There is nobody better than you, snark and all! In a country full of disinformation, corruption, lies, delusion, I can turn to your pages and know that I am not being pulled by the nose ring. Thank you for sharing your gift and time with us. Have a great weekend!! By the way - could use a few thoughts and prayers - mom is in recovery. Fell, broke hip, surgery, skilled nursing - shit show - gave her an infection from improper and abusive care, back to surgery to remove infection, turned over to Infectious Disease because of the type of bacteria not being identified, back to a different skilled nursing, roommate gets covid, sent to isolation, and now at the tail end before she can go home. The past couple months have sucked.

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by File411

What an awesome appetizer! Looking forward to your next report. Thank you!

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Aug 13, 2022·edited Aug 13, 2022Liked by File411

This is probably odd to hear but I am fascinated about the marking between 'top' and 'secret' on item 28A of the property receipt. There's probably a 99.9999% chance that I'm just overthinking a very unimportant misspelling or mistype, but is it not a little bit odd for such an important and predictably scrutinized document to have a misspelling of 'top secret' that wasn't corrected until after printing, especially in the modern era with spellcheck and whatnot? I doubt the original misspell had any underlying or now-redacted meaning, but it just makes me wonder how the FBI could have possibly made that mistake given that they hadn't made it three previous times.

From my brainstorming, I think the handwritten marking could be "fix" (logically), "top", "fax", "res", "pos", and then eventually my mind wandered to a more dramatic "sci"--and I say that in the order of most to least confidence. Sci is probably unlikely as I would expect they would rewrite the whole receipt if that were the case. It seems like a 3-letter word where the first letter is possibly: F, T, R, P, or V--The second letter possibly: C, O, A, U, or E--and the third letter possibly: R, S, V, U, P, or X. It could be something entirely different though, like perhaps some legal term or abbreviation instead of a common word. This mark is written in small and flawed handwriting and is not very well scanned, so it's hard to tell.

Also, it seems like someone was testing a pen or had some leaking ink on the previous page, and it does not seem like a redaction or anything deliberate to me--though I could very well be wrong on that too. I would suspect that it's somewhat odd to test a pen on a legal document shared to court, but maybe it doesn't matter? These combined make me think that the property receipt might have been slightly sloppy...? Not proposing any motives at all, maybe the special agents were just a bit rushed or clumsy that particular moment or forgot to proofread.

I can't wait for Trump to finally be taken down(hopefully). It's cathartic seeing this all happen as someone who has tried to warn the MAGA republicans in my life that the Trump route will end in prison sentences or nuclear hell on earth, but just sharing some thoughts from someone who pays too much attention to odd details.

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The miscellaneous secret documents —the last line of the inventory with the handwriting —I view it that the strike through line was for “e” in the “tope secret” and the scribble above the strike through line, it looks like it’s the initials of the Special Agent. Generally speaking In the legal community if you see a strike-through-line and scribble near it, that’s because the person to made the handwritten change on an official document almost always writes their initials. To be clear I’m not a graphologist but the scribble looks similar to the special agent handwriting. Gosh I hope that makes sense because it’s almost 1AM my time

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Think I heard an ex US Attorney say this too. Could have been on a podcast or on MSNBC. Spelling error corrected and initialed

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So funny, NOW on Aug 15 everyone on twitter is "breaking" the news that there is a second warrant.

Filey, you are brilliant. Have a great Monday!!

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IKR? I think I said on August 11th that I was 100% confident that there are 2 and then on Aug 12th I was like —ermmmm… there’s possibly a 3rd warrant.

I mean I even gave y’all the MJ case numbers and noted only ONE MSM outlet included the 2nd warrant


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Question: Way back when Trump and Putin had the infamous meeting where there was no American readout and Trump took the translators notes ... I was under the impression it was a US Gov interpreter. If so, can they be subpoened by DOJ etc to testify re: what was said between Trump and Putin? Have they been already? Thx! Girl been to Rome Pompeii and Milan this week. Munich last week

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That’s a really good question. My recollection was even the (USA) interpreter had her handwritten notes clawed back from Trump. I seem to recall that at least 1 House Committee voiced their desire to subpoena her. But I’m not sure if they did. Again excellent question. And I’m sorry I don’t have a fulsome factual answer

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Thx! Heard/reminded recently on a pod that he took the notes immediately at end of Putin meeting but I can't recall follow up by officials since then either.

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