Under former administration, from day one, we saw attack on intel community. The attacks directed at McCain and gold star family laid initial groundwork to exhaust outrage. The ban on transgender access to medical treatment and banning from military also helped to erode the last threads of decency. Back the blue changed quickly when they saw the MAGA crowds beating a police officer to death or attacking the Capitol police during the insurrection. This was all made possible by chipping away over 4 years at our sense of right and wrong. It’s not surprising that the propaganda network has decided to go all in & perpetuate this constant attack on revered institutions. Whether it’s Muslim ban, the states restricting abortion access or the rolling back access to voting, this sector of far right has decided to go all in on misogyny, racism & discrimination. The only answer to the onslaught of prolific lies & propaganda, is truth. Fact based truth. As certain as we are tgat the sun rises in the east, we must lay bare the cold facts & fight back with truth....it’s an ugly tinder box right now. Truth must prevail.

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They're not going to stop as long as they are allowed to use a major televsion station as a disinformation megaphone. I think the solution is simple. Codify Dangerous Speech. SCOTUS gave us the mechanism 102 years ago when they ruled that "Dangerous Speech is not protected by the 1A". The 'fire in a movie theater' example has been repeated to the point it is up front in our pop culture, but beyond that ruling, as far as I know, no serious attempt to define Dangerous Speech has ever been defined by Legislation. To me it seems clear that partaking in disinformation campaigns on national televison are Dangerous Speech. 1/6 could not have happened without years of support from the Fox News Network in the USA. Drawing the line from cause to effect is not far fetched. It "is" not technically legal in that light and SHOULD not be legal in any moral society. All we lack is Dangerous Speech being well defined , with penalties defined, by the Legislative Branch. 102 years later is never too late to pick up the ball and squash BS 'free expression' that harms and endangers others. Unfettered free speech is not the equivalent of freedom. But ppl lying and screaming slurs in public spaces associate their bad noise as 'freedom'.

RE: the specific attack on military women? Absurd and playing to their misogynistic and homophobic base. IE Par for the course until we give them a reason to stop.

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He’s doubling down and it’s terrible

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I hope he, Hannity and any other guilty parties (I am thinking Judge Drunkie) who actively, knowingly, happily engaged in disinfo campaigns face legal repercussions for that.

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