Dec 8, 2021Liked by File411

Grateful for legal explanations!

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My pleasure - I tried to source as many OLC memos as I could get my hands on but I’m in a small room at the State Capitol so my access to various databases is somewhat limited because of VPN issues. I hope other readers find this article informative -and of course it’s sprinkled with my spicy snark <snort> I’ll probably update this article later this evening. But likely ETA is after 11PM tonight unless I decide to use one (of the many) hotel rooms my employer books for us -because driving 3 hours one day is a very long day

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The piece is comprehensive and complete. The only thing missing is what we are witnessing is the "whine." My hope is they drag their sorry asses in, anyway, and force them to invoke the 5th for specific questions, they won't come in and therefore the contempt charges follow and the wheels of justice will roll forward (albeit not at lightening speed). My hope is that we, (all of us non-legal minds) do not permanently suffer from the fatigue of the wait and Triple-D cumulative actions.

BTW - I agree re invoking the 5th - Prove your case w/o me giving you a stick to beat me with.

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I think there’s a misconception that Congress isn’t being aggressive or they are giving Trump et al a pass - and I felt that my readers could benefit from a fulsome explanation (which is sourced to the teeth) I updated it to include the Dec 1st meeting package as it relates to Jeffrey Clark because that gives my readers an actual road map the Committee will likely take with respect to Meadows - gotta dash for my 4PM. As typing while walking is kind of hazardous (at least for me) -glad you found this informative

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Dec 8, 2021Liked by File411

Damn those glass doors! Pretty football helmet maybe?

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OMG my bosses still give me a hard time when I walked straight into the main conference room’s glass doors a few years ago. Thankfully this didn’t happen during an all hands meeting -otherwise some 600+ coworkers would have witnessed my buffoonery. Typing and texting super hazardous for some. 🙃

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by File411

Lolol. Remember you mentioning it on twitter when it happened. You probably tweeted it from below the table :) One of our local broadcasters did that during the 2010 Olympics and was on-air for the rest of the games with a black eye...

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When I was on Twitter I tended to tweet a lot when I was in meetings (and you’re 100% correct I did it under the conference room table and no one was the wiser -although my work productivity has been on point since late Jan 2021 -but I really like this platform - as it allows me to fully explain. Twitter isn’t conducive to my writing & research style.- ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️<— for your incredible memory

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I walked through a glass door while in college - way before cell phone days. Put my knee through the door, stopped, stepped back and opened the door and walked through. Just me being my spacey self.

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❤️Flawless recovery ❤️

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Dec 8, 2021Liked by File411

Thanks for doing this! Will read with interest. Likely funding sources for the cost of this action?

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Welp my educated guess is the RNC - note the October 2021 disbursements -but I suspect my hunch might be affirmed when the new reports are filed


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Your timing is perfect because I am also frustrated by the constant questioning of how the Committee and the AG are handling all of this. However, when reading that Bannon's contempt hearing is not until next summer is frustrating because it feeds into the triple D strategy. I have heard it posed that the reason for this delay is the courts are behind with everything due to Covid. Is this a reasonable explanation?

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It’s true - at least in part the DDC dockets are backed up. I genuinely lose my shit when I see so many people erroneously tweeting “he’s pleading the fifth” <— you can’t plead it -you invoke it on specific questions

And I think the Committee needs to hold public hearings so the American people can see/hear Trump’s sycophants disrespect a coequal branch of Government

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by File411

Agree, especially before the midterms so people don't give in to cynicism.

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Dec 8, 2021Liked by File411


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"My atonement for ever believing these individuals (for nearly two years) is to call out their Blue-QANON-sense, any chance I get"

Holy moly, Filey, I ain't nobody but I forgive you. Heck, I'm saying prayers right now. lol

Once again, thank you for laying things out for us. Blue Q-Anon is, as you say, misinforming so many for some perceived clout. So glad I can see that now.

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