Mar 23, 2021Liked by File411

I haven't read your post yet aside from first paragraph, because like you, I occasionally need to work and I don't think anyone can multitask as well as you can. I have to focus in silence. But I will say this-- My hope is that they are slowing building tight cases on all to ensure justice and also to get to who facilitated the storylines that all of these people fell in line with. I always feel as though Trump stays one degree removed== Oh I said we were gonna march together== but I meant in spirit, not literally == and same argument as that dumb attorney== only a fool would believe I meant what I said.

My hope is they are pulling together enough of a story, so that we don't just arrest and imprison a bunch of sheep and fools who bought a story and were dumb enough to think they would be immune from justice. I mean, heck, I believe most of them still believe in a stolen election and they were being patriotic. We need the perpetrators of a plan. Roger Stone probs and the other mouthpieces.

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Mar 23, 2021Liked by File411

I wasn't sure of what to think of Sherwin's 60 Minutes interview, especially so soon after leaving his post at DOJ and role in the investigations. It's too easy to brand him as another Trump toadie but I'm not sure of why he went on national TV to talk "candidly" either.

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These people are unbelievable. They actually think FBI are just fishing around. This is NOT a game.. Lying to the FBI is serious. SMH. Isn't she the woman who is married to a police officer? I believe he served her with divorce papers.

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It seems the judge is definitely displeased with Sherwin’s antics. As I watched his 60 minutes interview, I found it to be self serving and a muddying of the waters.


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