Good grief. Insane for sure. Btw... I love your newsletters! Thank you.

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Glad you enjoy the newsletter - it’s a bit more work than doing a Twitter thread but I think this platform offers a quieter space and a more fulsome discussion

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Been there, married him and the full narcissistic sociopathy unfolded- talented gaslighter who enlisted my family and anyone else in proximity. Folks don’t know until it happens to them...something I don’t wish on anyone.

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I’m so thankful for your work. No more Twitter for me. Between you, Schindler and LM and Greg Olear I feel I have the spectrum covered. That said, your work is undeniable.

The harassment you referred to above; horrific; I shudder to think; then ache for you, your husband and your littles.

Over the years I always felt you were a national treasure. Now of this take I am absolutely certain.

Thank you for your work.

(In a previous response, you mentioned suggesting possible areas to apply your elite investigative skills to. I don’t know if this is too general, but I too am a Catholic (convert, after reading Flannery O’Connor, grew up a Baptist, grandfather was a pastor, Orangeman at that) and am incensed over the lack of accountability re US Bishops going after Biden and the whole Opus Dei Barr etc. )

I’m riffing and rambling. Please forgive my lack of specificity.

In any case, I hope you and yours have a weekend full of wonder and joy.

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I also had a stalker, i concur with every statement you made. Unofficially the nice Police officer who took my 3rd restraining order said, " My sister was stalked and the only thing that stopped him was a beating." I looked at him and he winked and walked away. I told some of my male friends this story and very soon the stalker was no where around. I didn't ask questions

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Just wondering how Ryan Samsel's hearing went. Hope he continues to remain in custody.

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Ask and you shall receive -

Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Zia M. Faruqui:Detention Hearing as to RYAN SAMSEL held on 6/4/2021. Defendant present by video.

—> Detention Hearing continued to 6/11/2021 at 3:00 PM by Telephonic/VTC before Magistrate Judge Zia M. Faruqui. Bond Status of Defendant:

Defendant Remain Held Without Bond - I’m planning to update the article tomorrow

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Thank God.

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Ryan Samsel piece was quite terrifying and yet this guy is just as bad. The level of insidious narcissistic & pathological evil, is once again, daunting. Thank you for all that you do. The enablers are part of this sickness....

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