Delicious: the entitled narcissist, Matty, will finally be "going through somethings " that Dad can't bail him out of. Hey Matty, newsflash: no pardon lifeline for you, the former guy threw you under a bus.

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I genuinely dislike Gaetz and took so much shit in 2018 and 2019 when I tweeted at him “hey coke head - was she 16 or 17 - your intern is going to sing” but here we are and I like it ... a lot. I know it’s not nice to relish in another’s misfortune but damn this was a long time in the making

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It's not misfortune. It's consequences.

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absolutely, and something he's obviously not used to...

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This plea agreement is definitely ominous to not only Gaetz, but any of the other co-criminals who partook in this. Greenberg must’ve had to work real hard in order to get this agreement. As a notorious lying double crosser with zero morals, he must’ve had to bend over backwards and then some. May they all rot. In some ways, this feels equally as significant as Epstein but Epstein was never had an agreement and was going to trial. Wondering how many repeat offenders will eventually show up here. Can’t help think about Cindy Yang, the massage parlors and all of the other stories we’ve read in the West Palm Beach area regarding trafficking. If we’ve learned anything since 2016, is that you start pulling on one thread and the whole thing unravels. This feels like a very pivotal moment.

PS- got a giant box of Sees for MD & can’t help but think of you....a fellow admirer of the best chocolates! Hope it was a great weekend for you! ❤️

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Did you happen to read my recent La Quinta, Wyndham & RIST motion to dismiss article? S.Y. and a co-plaintiff filed numerous lawsuits against 40 hotel and entertainment defendants. It’s exclusively within the MDFL but it also involves sex trafficking and RICO. I’m not saying it’s 100% related to Greenberg but it is something to keep in mind. Plus Garbage’s lunatic junkyard dog is now tweeting (sans actual evidence) that I’m some how involved in sex trafficking...she’s going to regret that tweet. Oh and YES See’s is the BEST candy ever. Hope you have a good weekend too.

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This is the article I previously mentioned - Garbage’s attack dog claiming that both Louise and I are some how involved in sex trafficking. Truly is the craziest thing she’s tweeted and she’s tweeted a lot of crazy tweets. Like I said she’s going to regret a lot of her tweets and that delights me


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Thank you for the link. Am rereading this. I think substack is a much healthier place for you to share your gift. It allows you to showcase your ability to decipher a ton of information and break it down for those of us who are here to learn. As I said before, there’s a few junkyard dogs who spend endless days on nonsense. They never ask themselves why a guy like EG is on the platform all day & every day. Serious intel people w/jobs would never spend all day tweeting nor boast inside knowledge of anything. Most law enforcement agents or intel ppl shun any attention. If anyone of those followers who hang on his every word would just stop and think rationally, they’d get the con. He portends to be someone who stands up for women & children while he literally has treated women like garbage and whatever happened in his personal life, does not help. A real professional would never disparage people by selectively posting texts or DMS. Only weak and cowardly people do that. It’s all really disgusting.

I’m really happy you found this area to shine. It’s really suited to you and your real admiring fans get the best part of you because there aren’t any trolls interrupting your work. Substack is probably the best self care! ❤️

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I’m going back to the archive to read that again. Everything seems to be imploding quickly. So many lunatic junkyard dogs to choose from right now. I had seen another tweet that LM was somehow involved in the NYTs article tonight where British spy worked w/HOS to go after high level Trump admin officials. Nowhere in article was LM mentioned but the replies to his tweet were off the chain. Talk about HOS.....I honestly feel so broken when I see this viciousness. I’m not the type to get into fights on twitter because these battles never go well & open up to all sorts of crazies. It really displays the worst in human nature to feed off of the vortex of negativity. I’ve always maintained out of anyone, you’ve been the most fact driven source on the platform. You have always proven yourself with facts. I’ve always admired this and you’re always fair and admit if you feel you made any errors. Twitter is a cesspool.

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These elected politicians and their henchmen are such scum, openly for their voters to clearly see. It appalls me that so many people vote for sleazy grifters, crooks and con artists.

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Oh, girl🎶 Music to my ears. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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My my my, the skies are darkening for quite a Florida tempest. Hahahaha! And we get to hear the delicious weather reports from our wonderful Filey! TY!!! ⚖️🇺🇸😊

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Matty, this is what happens to entitled kids who’ve never faced any real consequences for their actions, because daddy always ‘fixed it.’ You keep going bigger and bolder, thinking you’re above the law, and people are just here for your ‘use’. I hope you go down in a spectacular ball of flames 🔥

BTW, based on Filey’s earlier post, you may want to delete your Wyndham Rewards account.

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Oh I've so missed the Groot dance. This is a good time to break it out again.

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No Sweeter Words. I am so looking forward to Monday. Matty isn't going to have a good weekend. Probably not any days after either.

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FILEYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!! Surely you’ve seen todays news? Forehead turd about to turd.

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I HAVE and I’m working on an article now but I’m going to remind people - in December 2019 no one and I mean no one was talking about this - I wasn’t being facetious I was being stone cold cereal serious


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FRIEND I wasn’t kidding - I just published a follow up article - 🤓ENJOY🤓


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*insert ric flair WOO dot gif*

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SUPER CEREAL! You’re the jam. Sorry I’ve been less active reading your updates. I’m in the middle of writing my lit review for my dissertation and I’m basically just trying to maintain what sanity and time I have lol. Much love spicy 🌶 ♥️

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Ahh, 4 days of popcorn. I'd better check my supplies. Great to see baby Groot!

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