Sep 1, 2021Liked by File411

Filey...it's been an education. I truly appreciate the information as it has helped me evaluate misinformation vs. information! Thank you.

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We skeptics should have our own corner of the bar, dontcha think?

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There is so much Id love to say here but I needed to process this piece. First off, I want to reiterate how much I live in awe of your strength and tenacity. The stress would’ve killed me had I faced this level of harassment and stalkery. I don’t know how you’ve managed to stay level headed. I am 100% certain that the threats of suicide were used as a manipulation and a tool to keep you invested in what turned into an abusive and toxic relationship. I have experience with people in my family with one person with borderline personality disorder and two people with narcissistic personality disorder. When you grow up close to the vortex of crazy, you identify it in others in a matter of seconds because the survival instinct is to stay away. Everything you have described about this, is reminiscent of parts of these disorders. The level of manipulation and the anger issues, coupled by perhaps any addiction or chemical imbalances, is a recipe for grade A toxicity. These people burn down every single bridge while laming others. They negate responsibility for their actions. My friend calls them emotional arsonists. They thrive on drama and they need to be the center of attention. Your traumatic experiences with suicide, is so horrendous....my heart breaks for you....I was speechless upon reading your account. Predatorial people prey on those vulnerabilities. They are often intelligent and use their given talents for manipulation instead of greater good. Their worlds are built around their egos and constant need for satisfying those egos. You could’ve given said person the dreamiest of dream team lawyers, and he still would e managed to blow it up, it’s in his nature. His recourse and mode of operating is to blame external forces and NEVER take responsibility for his own actions. Whatever family issues and custody issues he has or had, were at his own hands. You didn’t create his problems but people like him use every opportunity to find an opening to spread their illness and bring others into their vortex. He knew he was manipulating you. One family member used to threaten suicide constantly and after a while, instead of hanging in there, I walked away.....because the problems were never solvable without compliance to get better. The amount of guilt for walking away was overbearing but the price of staying in was not an option. This person knows how to get everyone around her in distress and then walks away from the burning building and them blames others for the fire. Your work speaks for itself. The sacrifices you’ve made to be a beacon of light shining on the truth, makes your efforts heroic. Your readers, followers and friends will always have your back and will always love you. You prove daily that nothing matters but the facts. You’ve given us more than we ever deserve. It’s been so appreciated. Sending you a big hug......words are not enough to show you my gratitude. You’re my hero......I hate that anyone hurt you like this. I hate the trauma of what you’ve witnessed. I admire you endlessly for sharing this private and deeply painful experience. Much love Filey, Tamara

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This and your DARVO article tie things up in a neat little bow for me. You are a rock star and the sum of all your experiences. I have friends who have suicidal ideations because of mental health concerns - I feared I would find one of them one day, especially because one "practiced" in front of me. I got her to the hospital faster than you can say "Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious." His issues are completely different. And much more dangerous. Stay strong, Filey!

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You are a badass--and I thank you for standing up and putting yourself in the crosshairs, so to speak. I am truly sorry you have had to go through all of this. I too left an abusive relationship--it was not easy to do. I am fortunate in that no-one in my immediate orbit has committed suicide, and I cannot imagine the pain that must have cost you. Thank you, yet one more time, for your strength, truth, honesty and candor. Blessed be.

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Sep 1, 2021Liked by File411

Shazam, Shazam, Shazam 💥

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So here's the thing.... just an observation, as it were. His retweets of legitimate folk, like Christopher Burgess, Scott MacFarlane (hopefully one of the good ones), government and military accounts, salt his tweeter feed with reason which adds a soupçon of credibility. I really don't read his stuff anymore, and I never subscribed, but I do look at who he's retwittering.

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Sep 1, 2021Liked by File411

So … the header on the table at the end of the article …

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Sep 1, 2021Liked by File411

took me a while, however I did a lot of unfollowing after reassessing the "value add" of content, free or not

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Again, many thanks for sharing your insights. You truly have guided us through the lies on twitter. You have save me and many others much grief. Appreciate your honesty!!!

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He’s vile…all of the women who shared personal stories, only to get them thrown in their faces by one of the clowns supporting him… it’s shameful. Had no idea you’d been through so much. I’m so very sorry for those tragedies. I had two mental abusers, both got physical from time to time. It is absolutely hell trying to leave. Take care.

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Damn. You really are the real-life Olivia Pope. I hope you have the fab wardrobe too, you’ve clearly earned it.

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Ahhhh. Spicey/Filey.

Sending you a big, big hug.

I have been staying off the bird app to protect my sanity. I sleep better.

Heard the punditsxaskibg what happens when someone "weaponized your values .

Those of us, like yourself, know precisely what feels like, don't we? Learning what it "looks like" - before being impacted - is the hardest part. Because we care...and they use it to shore up their own frailties.

I must confess I have a Love/Hate relationship with your posts from the beach, tho. But only because I'm jealous.

Truth isn't always the easy way, but that's another set of values they abuse, too.

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I started reading this before school and just finished it now that I am home. A couple of reactions: First, holy crap and a big hug whenever you need it for being such an amazingly strong surviver, in your personal life and for the absolute bs you went through a bunch of times on twitter. Second, the game theory dude is a scummy scammer. I first realized this when all of his tweets were pure hyperbole, which as I teach my students, are statements not to be believed because they are gross exaggerations and never the real truth. It really stinks seeing so many people being gullible and paying money for nonsense. So as always, thank you for putting out the truth with receipts. Plus, I have always loved your snark.

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