FINRA and FARA in the same week! Hoping FARA can rein in some of the crap on social media and broadcast/cable.

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IKR? Which is why I tracked down the launch date of several mainstream social media companies and I highlighted the last time FARA was updated was 2003 -several years before Twitter, YouTube, Facebook etc were officially launched. Do you remember those threads were I matched up the FARA information materials & found the tweets and I was like why isn’t Twitter “conspicuously disclosing” the various tweets as FARA materials. Incidentally I find it amusing that one particular Blue QANON-sense merely retweeted the DOJ’s tweet -yet failed to actually “perseverate“ what the proposed new rules State about social media. It’s that kind of nonsense that leaves me gobsmacked that people believe everything that person tweets. Small Boom 💥 Medium Bioms💥ALL THE BOOMS💥 that person needs to lay off the Tito’s no normal adult is drunk at 2PM during a work day -oh that’s right they don’t have a job because they are unemployable

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Thanks. This is really helpful. I knew a little about rule/reg making, but you made it easy to understand. Much appreciated. BTW, go get em!!! They messed with the wrong person. We stand beside you!

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My pleasure - my bosses keep me around because “I have a knack for explaining really complicated stuff -so normal people can understand it” -I’ll admit this was kind of a heavy lift as it relates to research but facts demand that kind of amplification. If you have any questions please feel free to ask - the only “dumb question” is the one that’s not asked 😉

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This is long overdue.

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