Yes, she is definitely a poster child for “white privilege”. I say lock her up for a good long time

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I checked her real estate brokers license status this morning, no pending action for license suspension or revocation shown. In California a misdemeanor conviction and jail would likely be a bye bye to a broker's license. Texas standards could be different. Perhaps the unspoken is the prosecutor is considering that she loses her ability to continue to make a living if she does jail time so she's only going to have the misdemeanor charge, no jail time and then perhaps keep her license? Months ago when I viewed her insurrectionist bragging videos and read her social media accounts my first thought was "Say bye bye to your real estate license silly girl " In my opinion her arrogant white privilege attitude is infuriating and she's an embarrassment to the profession. $35 Trump hat ? Westin hotel ? Shoulda stayed home and put that $ towards the tax lien ( Sorry not sorry for the snark )

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I think the most galling part is (and I’ll admit I didn’t articulate it fully)

-why did the USAO-DC negotiate a plea agreement?

-was the USAO-DC aware of her $37K+ IRS Tax Lien?

-factually speaking she still owes the IRS tens of thousands in back taxes, so how did she afford to take a private jet to DC? My assumption is she didn’t pay for it which then presents another issue - her co-defendant Schwab was charged with acts of violence in the Capitol (see 2nd superseding information) and then reread the stipulation of additional charges —that tells me investigators think she (Jenna) did engage in physical violence but they haven’t found video of it. Which again why offer her a plea agreement?

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There must be a song in these here words… “ basking in the glory of her newly found “celebrity” and completely out of touch with the DOJ reality” 😂

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Here's a fact you should add to the official story and description of her moral code. She got caught cheating on multiple occasions with multiple men, sometimes all at once ON CAMERA! And still denies cheating. She refused to view the videos because she "knows she didn't cheat and the accuser must be on drugs or mental" !!!


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There is something much different about Ryan than others. She definitely enjoyed the spotlight and 15 minutes of fame. This may be an inappropriate comment, but she reminds me of women who participate in The Real Housewives series. It’s her attitude and maybe in part, her appearance. I saw the videos of her on social media as she blogged her way to DC and at the time, thought the same thing. I had read in reporting, she had financial struggles and like you point out, how did she afford a private jet? Was it paid for or was it a gift from someone? Was it a shared expense with other passengers? Private chartered flights are pretty exorbitant expenditures. I agree that her white privilege might be in part, a reason why she seems to be receiving leniency by comparison. It is infuriating that her social media posts were deleted and even more infuriating that she is completely unapologetic. In her YouTube video, she describes herself going to protest.....intentionally painting 1/6 as some political rally instead of the seditious criminal event that it was. Her YouTube video is cringeworthy......

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