It's chilling to know that people like this guy were just getting started and think that seceding is a great idea. What's sad is his remark about his family escaping horrific regimes to come here, yet for him, here is not good enough.

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IKR? Not that this matters but it’s cases like this that prove speed isn’t always the prudent course. The fact both MPD & FBI infiltrated this “Bible study” group —that over six months after Jan6th this infiltration likely thwarted yet another domestic terror attack. This is yet another example of why certain “online personalities” demanding daily updates and stupid and intellectually dishonest. Because those demanding immediate notification from AG Garland and more broadly the DOJ are doing so knowing full well that there are dozens (if not hundreds) of active ongoing investigations. I hope LB is proud of herself -making a total ass of herself and misleading and manipulating her followers. It’s disgusting

Exhibit A https://file411.substack.com/p/someone-should-help-lincolns-bible

Exhibit B https://youtu.be/2aAu2sOTS3g

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If only her followers knew how often she’s been wrong...

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I can't believe they let this piece of toe jam go - Oral Motion for Release from Custody by FI DUONG (1) Heard and Granted. With Conditions - yes, I read the minute order. Honestly, what are some of these Magistrate Judges thinking? This yoyo has a plan.

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I cancelled the subscription to "no connection to RU" NYT, and I'm not intending to reassess that anytime soon, but (although I would certainly take your word for it, Mic) I have heard widely that the analysis you're including here is very, very thorough, (of a level that we used to be able to expect from the Gray Lady)...

Duong's use of the (triggering) word "manifesto" has a helluva resonance, doesn't it?

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Not to defend the NYTs they really do have excellent reporters but I completely understand being skeptical. Maggie & Ken were the reasons I canceled both our Sunday paper (it’s the crossword puzzle & Mr doesn’t like to share bc I do mine in pen - he does his in pencil ) and my digital sub. The thing about DUONG is his family fled an oppressive regime - my question is how did he become so radicalized here?

Like what was he reading online?

What was he viewing (videos) online?

Until the social media companies start owning their part of radicalizing Americans who then become a domestic terrorist then the cycle will repeat. But yes the manifesto gave me the chills that and seeing the dates as recent as June 16th I’m truly grateful to the FBI

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Why.... would they release him???

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This is chilling. It’s one thing to read the reports that Domestic Terrorism is on the rise it’s another to read deeply into the thought processes of a leader of it. I often get refuted when I talk about right wing extremism with “yeah, but antifa” which leads me to ask whether or not you have any idea of how rampant (or not) domestic terrorism exists far left? Thanks Filey. 🙏

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deletedJul 8, 2021Liked by File411
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Holy CRAP how did I miss this one - thanks for the link - a gift in return

“MINUTE ORDER as to RYAN TAYLOR NICHOLS(1),ALEX KIRK HARKRIDER(2). It is hereby ORDERED that the time period from April 26, 2021 through and including June 15, 2021 is excluded from the computation of time within which a trial must commence under the Speedy Trial Act pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 3161(h)(7)(A), (B)(i), (ii), and (iv). The Court finds that the ends of justice served by the granting of such continuance outweigh the best interests of the public and Defendants in a speedy trial. Signed by Judge Thomas F. Hogan on 5/6/2021”

If you’re asking me what I think is happening - to me a quick look at the docket it sure seems like one or both of the defendants are in the midst of a plea agreement because this is literally the 2nd to last entry on the docket

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