hey filey, what's odysee? there's more videos over there...?

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Well that guy sent me 11 links to his videos from the 6th - it totals >117 minutes, the same day he sent me the links to his “private” videos, I downloaded them and sent the links & videos to the FBI - this was late Jan 2021. So if I think an affidavit is relevant to the videos I have- I tend to include them in the article & upload to my YouTube channel. Hope that makes sense

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Is this something you're familiar with? https://odysee.com/@M101-News:b

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These idiots left so much evidence everywhere, WTH? They apparently have NO idea that they are No match for the government of the United States.. If I wasn't so angry I'd laugh.. SMH😡

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Thanks. The more layers peeled back the more connections are revealed.

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Geesh, they um...this is congruent with the LE alliance optics during the BLM protests- bc it appears that they expected to be part of the new enforcement system (with a declaration of Insurrection Act), anyway- where’s Stone in this?

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