It is getting so much worse w/the disinformation from those accounts. The problem is some of the followers hang on every word and not once, has their speculation been accurate. All of those days of promoting the notion that the entire Trump fam & ilk were going to be picked up for “mob/FARA/prison/etc…ugh. Or, the idea that Mossad was involved in clean up of Fla disaster…because conflating stories of Mossad is now the go to tweet to sound credible. It’s so exhausting….it’s just so blatantly obvious that anything to grab followers or feel relevant. Never once, has one of these individuals served in any capacity to be in a position to know.

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IKR? I can’t believe how so many of their followers are that gullible. And you’re right they hang on to every last word …yet they consistently don’t do any original (or minimal) research and what little research they do —it can easily be proven they lift others work. Rarely, if ever do they share original documents.I feel like I was a complete idiot for ever believing a single word they tweeted. So my atonement is reflected in my presentation of facts and documents. While trying to teach others how they can find the same documents. Slams head on kitchen table

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I’m sooo sick of liars, their sheep are even worse!!!

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Thank you so much. I’m glad I hid the reply and blocked the asshole who tweeted it at me. Thank you for taking the time to respond but I think this important because so many Blue Anon accounts are still spreading bs. I had wrongly assumed that maybe the assistant attorney was singing for Strauss. You’re the best!

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My pleasure and thank you for trusting me to get you the facts. I want to annihilate the Blue QANoN-for-the-Left —in my view they are way and I mean way worse than QANON because I know some who know better —yet they continue to spread disinformation often dripping with anti-Semitic, anti-Asian, misogynistic malarkey and yet their followers are like fully indoctrinated cult members. In some respects I’m glad I’m not on Twitter because I’d name check a helluva lot of Blue-Qanon idiots

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You can give us the Twitter accounts so we could call them out. I swear, you are one of the only legal eyes that i can trust for 100% accuracy and objectivity. Thanks always! Paul

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