US Park Service Permits re Jan6th “rally” DOD, DHS, FPS FOIA doc production. UPDATED Budowich TRO DENIED
If the public reporting is correct then it think it makes sense to dump all the Jan 2021 “domestic terror” attack. All the US Park Service permits authorized. All moneys in/out …
December 29, 2021 2:55PM update at bottom of this article -
Hope you had a wonderful holiday…
Eventually you know that I’ll return. I took the last couple of days off to indulge in long over due “self care” —notwithstanding I certainly hope Santa was good to you and your families. We retreated to the beach house. My family typically does when facing major changes. Where three hour plus long ocean walks are my way of deconfliction
Domestic Terror threats
I will continue to repeat this narrative, until such time either these domestic terrorist and those who aided and abetted are indicted or the House Select Committee on Jan6th publishes their January 2022 hearing calendar. Because the recent public reporting by the Daily Beast certainly details a Classic Bannon Op which means it’s sloppy, not well thought out and poorly executed.
The fact that Peter Navarro, Steve Bannon, Paul Gosar, and Ted Cruz recruited over 100 members of Congress to overthrow the constitutional requirement to certify the electoral college and attempted to over throw our government on January 6, 2021 — calling their mission “The Green Bay Sweep” —this should be a much bigger story and it’s confusing why it isn’t THE BIG STORY.
Notwithstanding in the coming weeks -we are about to find out just what kind of appetite SCOTUS has for the House Select Committee on January 6, 2021 DomesticTerror attack on the Capitol. Given that Donald Trump has unceremoniously sprinted to SCOTUS. Also see October 2021 lawsuit that launched a thousand lawsuits (okay that’s kind of an exaggeration but I think you get the gist) While smart individuals know better than to predict a judicial outcome, others decide “damn the torpedoes…full steam ahead…”
In my opinion I wouldn’t necessarily say, out of hand: SCOTUS should deny Trump’s petition. Irrespective of the desire to jump down a Blue-QANON rabbit hole that unsurprisingly always leads to “Trump is Mob. Trump is a Money Launderer. Trump is more mob.” —it’s worth noting that if your “research” is correct (which it’s not). I quadrupled check some of your past horrendous “research” — I genuinely can not believe how you expected so many of us won’t use critical thinking. Or that we’d blindly follow you over a disinformation cliff. However I have one simple question for you:
Please explain why the Feds never indict him in the; 1960’s, 1970’s, 1980’s, 1990’s, 2000’s, and the 2010’s for his purported “mob ties” and his decades long money laundering scheme?
Keep in mind these same grifters/charlatans are out there pimping out self-published books, PodCast, “News” Streaming, purportedly consulted on “The Comey Rule” (and for the record that last quote is 100% nonsense) —I did my due diligence. Meaning I had a nice long chat with the Production Company and 2 EPs for “The Comey Rule” none of them knew your names —yet I have written communiques from you & her cohorts that unquestionably stated that his “victims” caused substantial damage to his Hollywood prospects. You put that nonsense in writing to numerous individuals. You also tried to pit several victims against each other.
Fun FACT: they never hired him or her to consult. Supposedly they each lost countless and highly lucrative Hollywood “opportunities” —lest we forget these same folks have a hugely profitable narrative to “sell” to their followers. If money and your own self worth (or lack thereof) are solely reliant on your social media engagements where a majority of users have openly opined if you have a serious substance abuse issue. You do so at the peril of your own waning relevance …whispers you do know that your “research” is atrocious. And at times your theories are more complicated than a known QANON-Conspiracy Theory…
If Trump is truly mobbed up (see previous question). Or somehow “Russia installed him and an unspecified number of ‘sleeper agents’ have fully infiltrated nearly all of our Government Institutions”. Trump has laundered tens of millions in dirty rubles, . He is involved in transnational organized crime. He’s using his hotels to traffic under aged girls or boys. Of all the damaging disinformation amplified personal favorite because the level of batshit crazy to say the following intelligence community is “game over bring everyone home” …Merrick Garland is worse than Bill Barr —
then where is the mob-money laundering indictment
Again where are all the federal indictments you predicted would be forthcoming —charging Trump with “mob” and “more mob” and “launderer of millions in dirty rubles”…
It’s so weird how these purveyors of disinformation and misinformation, some how seemingly go unchecked by Fact Checkers or by their followers. For years these charlatans/grifters have made a considerable amount of “taxable personal income” and I very much doubt they filed their Federal Income Taxes.
It is advisable to wait and see if SCOTUS agrees to take the case or not. Versus sitting by nervously wringing one’s hands. Moreover in recent days the House Select Committee filed a brief asking the Court to make a ruling during their January 2022 Session
December 23, 2021: Motion for expedited consideration of the petition for a writ of certiorari filed by respondents, see SCOTUS link in footnotes
December 23, 2021: Donald J Trump’s 195 page Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due January 24, 2022)
…Congressional Respondents respectfully request that the Court then distribute the certiorari petition for consideration by the Court at its conference on January 14, 2022, so that the Court can act promptly if it wishes to consider the petition together with Petitioner’s application for an injunction pending review.
🌶Spicy Sidebar🌶 …clearly Trump doesn’t prescribe to the societal norms. Meaning Trump has had at least 2 district court Judges, rule in favor of the House Select Committee on Jan6th, and more recently a three-judge panel in the US Circuit Court of Appeals. Generally speaking whenever a movant files a Motion for Injunctive Relief they must satisfy four relevant factors.
.a high likely of success on the merits of the case,
Absent Court intervention (via a TRO and/or preliminary injunction) he/she will suffer irreparable harm,
the balance of equities tips in his favor, and
an injunction is in the public interest
Previously rejected arguments by the lower courts:
“Congress limited its own access to Presidential records when it adopted the Presidential Records Act, a law it now stubbornly refuses to follow,”
“The Executive adopted implementing regulations and an executive order reasonably regulating access to the records of former presidents,”
Trump’s legal team once again goes on to (re)allege that the House Select Committee has
…“ignored these restrictions by sending a ‘sweeping’ records request to the National Archives and Records Administration seeking broad swaths of confidential records created during President Trump’s term of office.”
“The congressional request is untethered from any valid legislative purpose and exceeds the authority of Congress under the Constitution and the Presidential Records Act,”
Taylor Budowich +$200K +Caroline Wren = sedition trifecta
Surely when the vast majority of us were contorting ourself —whilst attempting to “follow the directions” of [insert XYZ toy/bike/scooter/drone], wrapping presents requires one’s undivided attention. All while my intentional and willful failure to read the overly complicated building instructions. Resulted in me wrapping said present in black industrial plastic bags & slapped on a prefabricated red bow. It’s only then did I realize just how righteously aggrieved and dare I say unhinged Trump has become, even for Trump.
I regret to inform you, that we have now entered a previously unknown vector of vexatious litigation. Which is served with an ample helping of regurgitated and roundly rejected arguments. Trump’s desperation to have Justices Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett “earn their keep” is a gamble of Trump’s lifetime. That thought warms my cold dead black heart, a lot. Anything that puts Donald Trump back on his QANON-sense hamster wheel. Truly brings me incandescent joy.
Candidly when you read/edit as many complaints as I do, then you know when you are reading something, which is absolutely atrocious, and the pathetic arguments not supported by case law. Or the flagrant misinterpretations of previous rulings. Suddenly then you come to the realization that Donald J Trump, like his tacky hotels & golf clubs, lack both substance and style.
On November 22, 2021 the House Select Committee on Jan6th sent the following letter to Taylor Budowich -which reads in part:
“solicited a 501(c)4 organization to conduct a social media and radio advertising campaign to encourage people to attend….The Select Committee has reason to believe your efforts include directing to the 501(c)(4) organizations approximately $200,000 from a source or sources that was not disclosed to the organization to pay for the advertising campaign…“
COMPLAINT against All Defendants ( Filing fee $ 402 receipt number ADCDC-8948423) filed by Conservative Strategies, Inc., Taylor Budowich. (Summons JP Morgan Chase -see DDC-ECF see Open Source link to the complaint
Filed 12/24/21 Emergency MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order by Taylor Budowich, Conservative Strategies, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit) See DDC-ECF or via Scribd
FEC Taylor Budowich disbursements by DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC. FEC ID: C00580100, Trump Victory FEC ID: C00618389
In the emergency TRO Motion - the timeline doesn’t make any sense. Purportedly Budowich’s bank notified him that the Select Committee on Jan6th had served a subpoena on JP Morgan —but his bank only gave him a 24-hour window to obtain a Court Order. There are numerous fatal flaws in Budowich’s arguments, the bank records that he thinks he “owns” —he does not. Those records are owned by the Financial Institution, not the account holder.
See United States v. Miller, 425 U.S. 435 (1976) SCOTUS Held: Respondent possessed no Fourth Amendment interest in the bank records that could be vindicated by a challenge to the subpoenas, and the District Court therefore did not err in denying the motion to suppress. Pp. 425 U. S. 440-446.
(a) The subpoenaed materials were business records of the banks, not respondent's private papers. Pp. 425 U. S. 440-441.
(b) There is no legitimate "expectation of privacy" in the contents of the original checks and deposit slips, since the checks are not confidential communications, but negotiable instruments to be used in commercial transactions, and all the documents obtained contain only information voluntarily conveyed to the banks and exposed to their employees in the ordinary course of business. The Fourth Amendment does not prohibit the obtaining of information revealed to a third party and conveyed by him to Government authorities. The Act's recordkeeping requirements do not alter . these considerations so as to create a protectable Fourth Amendment interest of a bank depositor in the bank's records of his account. Pp. 441-443.
(c) Issuance of a subpoena to a third party does not violate a defendant's rights, even if a criminal prosecution is contemplated at the time the subpoena is issued. California Bankers Assn. v. Shultz, 416 U. S. 21, 416 U. S. 53. Pp. 425 U. S. 444-445.
Budowich’s Argument seeking an Emergency TRO:
I mean if this is the recent activity on your frivolous lawsuit - I’m not sure how strong your argument is…
NOTICE OF ERROR re 1 Complaint; emailed to, cc'd 2 associated attorneys -- The PDF file you docketed contained errors: 1. Noncompliance with LCvR 5.1(c). Please file an errata correcting the initiating pleading to include the name & full residence address of each party using the event Errata., 2. COMPLIANCE DEADLINE is by close of business today. This case will not proceed any further until all errors are satisfied. (znmg, ) (Entered: 12/27/2021)
…requests an order temporarily restraining JPMorgan from producing Mr. Budowich’s financial records to the Select Committee and for fees and costs associated with bringing this motion. The conduct by both JPMorgan and the Select Committee demonstrates bad faith. Instead of acting as the American people’s institution investigating events that undermined democracy, the Select Committee’s actions here demonstrate it is a politicized entity determined to harass its political adversaries.
And then of course Taylor issued a “formal statement” but in his full statement he makes a very bizarre assertion. He goes on to attack the Members of the House Select Committee on Jan6th are the ones who are attacking our Democracy and more than insinuates that members of the Select Committee should be in jail. Typically if you’ve filed a serious lawsuit, you never want a plaintiff out there giving public comments because they can give the opposing party an opening and it usually isn’t a good thing…
“However, not by the people who illegally entered the Capitol on January 6th, 2021, but instead by a committee whose members walk freely in its halls every day,”
Get me the FOIA library -forthwith
It’s one thing to overlook FOIA productions and become easily distracted by other current and relevant breaking news. But when the news cycle slows down it’s best to read the various underlying documents:
Department of Homeland Security FOIA library
this is where/when I think I can prove my worth to my readers. Yes FOIA and tracking FOIA request is absolutely a prerequisite. However what happens when you go to an Agency’s eLibrary and notice several FOIA productions with pages ranging from five to eighty one pages…
See Washington Post 28-page DHS FOIA production, regarding DHS, FPS etc during Jan 5th & 6th respectively.
See Just Security 4-page DHS FOIA production, which appears to be a FPS information bulletin, informing the National Capitol Region
DHS -Jan6th- recent FOIA Production
Of the countless documents I have read, this DHS/FPS FOIA production 1 is the most comprehensive and detailed list of MAGA QANON groups answering their “dear leaders” call to come to DC and “March down to the Capitol together…” See August 25, 2021 Letter from the House Select Committee to DHS but like I said reading the thousands of pages of responsive documents can be time consuming but the pursuit of facts requires dogmatic determination to find the facts and underlying supporting documents.,
US Park Police Permits issued for Jan 5th & 6th
Unless otherwise specified the embedded documents, we’re found via the NPS FOIA reading room and I then subsequently highlighted and annotated the NPS permits and uploaded those to permit applications to a NPS Jan 2021 Permit Folder on my google drive —because I’m not a document hoarder and generally speaking I read on average 375 pages per day (mainly legal filings) so
Back in early February 2021, I gave my readers access to the two permits that the US Park Service approved -
“This is likely going to be overlooked but it is actually important, originally the Rally permit application did NOT have plans to March from US Park Service Permit for Women for America First”
The Silent Majority Permit can be found here
NPS Permit #21-0274 for Eighty Percent Coalition 2 (filed on December 29, 2020 with the NPS) BUT and this is actually important - note the Permit #21-0274 Rally to Revival -pay close attention to page 2 (expectation of >10,000 attendees and modification to original permit application. Also note pages 6 & 7 which provided a list of speakers, note Joe and Mike Flynn
Also see August 25, 2021 article -there’s a particular reason I zeroed in on the letter to the National Archives and Archivist. Because that’s who’s the lawful custodian of president Trump’s records.
Fun Fact: because some of us in DC know how “things” work. Oddly what was lost on countless individuals, many of whom purport to be true DC insiders couldn’t understand or even explain to their followers the PRA, National Archives and Archivist “role” —their inability to fully explain the various policies and procedures in place concerning presidential records. Or failed to comprehend why I was laser focused on the National Archives Letter.
At times I chuckle at those larping aa if they know DC. Please you couldn’t last one year in this city. Metaphorically speaking in “DC we stab you in the front” mainly because I enjoy looking people in the eyes as I begin to annihilate them. We also tend to sniff out posers and frauds. I think my all time record was less than three seconds and that poser is no longer in the Government. But I guess larpers gotta larp.
The fact is I’ve been in DC for over three decades. I’ve walked the Capitol Grounds (mainly the auxiliary office buildings) countless times. I’ve never considered myself a Beltway Bandit or insider because that’s not important. What is important is helping my readers find original documents. Helping them understand the importance of facts versus (see March 2021 Letter) opinions. In that respect I think I can hold my own and give some solid researchers a run for their money. The point is many of president Trump’s (nope I’m still never going to use a capital P when it comes to president) records have already been turned over to the Select Committee
Also I was going through a few old thumb drives and found various helicopter tours we’ve taken. So enjoy this departure from your daily saltwater therapy
And lastly -if you recall in 2020 I spent countless hours reading hundreds of pages concerning the ACLU, Portland, DHS, FPS and relentless tweeted about MaxSent -if you had taken the time to read both the disposition transcripts and the various affidavits then you would have known why I went on full red lights blinking alert. To wit a local reporter noticed my research and published this August 2020 article —now you have to be wondering why on earth am I reaching back to 2020 Portland. When I say trust me on this -trust me MaxSent and other rogue private security companies are without a doubt in the House Select Committee Crosshairs and over the next few days Imma gonna drop so more files. Because I can so I will.
Again apologies for my recent fallow period. I needed to take some time off and figure out some major life changes headed my family’s way. I’m still opposed to moving to the West Coast and my concerns about the impact on the kiddos, my career and the thought of being a stay-at-home-mom baking sourdough bread and tending a vegetable garden —not exactly on my 2022 list of resolutions.
December 29, 2021 2:55PM Update
And just like that Budowich’s Emergency TRO Denied as moot -see DDC-ECF for recent docket report or simply click this Scribd Link:
MINUTE ORDER: As discussed in today's conference call, the Court ORDERS that: 1) Plaintiffs' 2 Motion for TRO is DENIED as moot; and 2) Plaintiffs may refile their Motion at any point. So ORDERED by Judge James E. Boasberg on 12/29/2021.
If Judge James E. Boasberg name rings a bell -well it should. On January 4, 2021 Judge Boasberg delivered a savage upbraiding to Trump and his Allies protracted attack on our Democracy
…District Court Judge James E. Boasberg wrote seven-page opinion essentially excoriated the Plaintiffs. The Court found that the plaintiffs lacked standing
"It would be risible were its target not so grave: the undermining of a democratic election for president of the United States."


See official DHS link for the 81-page FOIA production: -last accessed December 26, 2021
See Department of Interior National Park Service various links to permits granted surrounding Trump’s Stop The Steal
The "People who illegally entered the Capital" is really the chefs kiss if this entire thread. Lulllzzz
Happy New Year! I think the part about the disillusioned misinformation pusher as someone with a future in Hollywood, is beyond hysterical. Highly doubt this person worked on The Comey Rule. Seems pretty much like a narcissist when the person inserts themselves into stories of national relevance or importance. Only time will tell how SCOTUS responds to latest Trump filing. The Jan 6th committee has worked hard to uncover the perpetrators of terror on that day. I do believe justice will be served. Have a great holiday & hope all life changing decisions are well suited for you. ❤️