USAO-DC FAILED (again) .to request Detention. Defendant Haynes then strangled & stabbed his girlfriend
I know you’re sick of me saying “the USAO-DC haphazard detention” for the Jan 6th Domestic Terrorist is all over the board. There’s no uniformity. There’s no discernible threshold. WTFINGF USAO-DC WTF
Defendant Joshua Dillion HAYNES
Because yes occasionally I can’t keep up and I inadvertently overlook a case -notwithstanding I’ll keep repeating this, like a broken record, I would bookmark this DOJ database: it is largely a single point of data and a repository for the nearly 589+ cases (yeah it only took the DOJ nearly 8 months to come close to the June 2020 protest.. yes I know it’s unfair of me to regurgitate the actual data and facts) -below are the Court filings for Defendant Joshua “domestic violence” Haynes
18 U.S.C. § 1752(a)(1), (2), and (4) - Unlawful Entry on Restricted Grounds, Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct
18 U.S.C. § 1512 (c)(2) and 2 -Acts of Physical Violence on Capitol Grounds
18 U.S.C. § 1363 - Destruction of Property in Special Maritime and Territorial Jurisdiction
40 U.S.C. § 5104(e)(2)(D) -Violent Entry
40 U.S.C. § 5104(e)(2)(F) -Act of Physical Violence on Grounds
40 U.S.C. § 5104(e)(2)(G) -Parade, Demonstrate, or Picket in any of the Capitol Buildings
As you might know the FBI has numerous pictures and videos of the Jan6th Domestic Terrorist “assaulting” member of the Media -at the present time there are 104 pictures
Assault on Media (AOM): Seeking information on individuals who targeted members of the media for assault, threats, destruction of property, and other unlawful conduct
if you have any information on the individuals pictured -call 1-800-CALL-FBI or you can submit a tip online at Please reference the photo number, including the AFO or AOM if applicable, when calling or submitting information online.
On page 5 of the June 22, 2021 Affidavit the affiant referenced this video footage which shows Defendant Haynes deliberately smashing and effectively ruining the video equipment —which an employee of the News Organization informed the FBI Agents that the cost of the equipment was $30,000.00 to $34,000.00 (see page 4

As further alleged in the July 2021 Affidavit -the following Vimeo video see page 7, paragraph 17 which details Defendant Haynes and two other domestic terrorist ripping out a window air conditioning unit & smashing the unit on the concrete. This Parler Archive link will take you to @JoshuaDillonHaynes 200+ parlays/comments
Also for now make a mental note of the following dates/occurrences;
February 14, 2021 Defendant Haynes the FBI AOM pictures to “associate 1”
Defendant Haynes then instructed associate 1 to “erase immediately”, “AOM”, “assault on media”
June 14, 2021 - Defendant Haynes is interviewed by Law Enforcement
Also on June 14, 2021 -Defendant Haynes agrees to allow Law Enforcement to search his home and his cell phone.
These dates and events should be viewed as stressors —meaning Defendant Haynes started beating his girlfriend back in February. Yet the significant escalation in domestic violence assaults occurred on June 1, 2021 thru July 27, 2021 — See Document 11 -Government’s Emergency Motion to revoke Haynes’ release order, specifically see Exhibit # 1, which is detailed in the last portion of this article.
Moreover if you compare the dates in June 22, 2021 Affidavit/Statement of Facts - you can actually see a pattern of behavior. Especially on page 13, what you can deduce is an escalating violent behavior from the Defendant with his girlfriend the victim of numerous Domestic Violence assaults.
Jan6th Domestic Terrorist are “actually heroes” according to Defendant Haynes
And yes my all caps is intentional. I don’t how many times it needs to be stated; that the Acting US Attorney for the District of Columbia is all over the board. And perhaps I’m exhausted by seeing more than 3/4 of the defendants being RoR’d or paying a tiny bond. I do not understand why —ANY defendant that is charged with beating multiple law enforcement officers and/or reporters is NOT an automatic SOP for the USAO-DC to file a motion to detain.
Why. Is. This. So. Freaking. Hard. To. Comprehend 1 2 these defendants, no scratch that, these domestic terrorist should not be out on RoR or on a tiny bond.
If the Affidavit/Statement of Facts states <insert domestic terrorist name> assaulted any law enforcement officer —then what in the freshest of all fresh hell is the “acting” US Attorney for the District of Columbia doing? What kind of message are is “acting” US Attorney Phillips sending to other and possibly more radicalized domestic terrorist? It’s kewl we have you on CCTV, BWC and social media videos, beating law enforcement officers.
Having thousands of Domestic Terrorist attack the very heart of our Democracy. Whilst causing millions in actual damage to the Building that represents actual Democracy. Then costing tax payers nearly half a billion dollars in the aftermath of the Jan6th Domestic Terrorism. Based solely upon facts in the ever growing public court dockets - WHY. IS. THE. “ACTING’ US ATTORNEY willing to let hundreds (although I’d argue thousands) of Domestic Terrorist “NetFlix and Chill at home” —It is time to start asking the “Acting” US Attorney for the District of Columbia very uncomfortable questions…
No I’m kind of serious how many more cases must I cite for a reporter to start asking the USAO-DC what in the hell is going on with your Prosectors? Why is it that the USAO-DC seems to be unwilling to keep these Domestic Terrorist in custody until their trial or a plea agreement is hammered out?
July 8, 2021 Defendant Haynes made his initial appearance
MINUTE ENTRY for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge G. Michael Harvey:
VTC Initial Appearance/Detention Hearing as to JOSHUA DILLON HAYNES(1) held on 7/8/2021.
Oral Motion to Appoint Counsel by JOSHUA DILLON HAYNES (1) Heard and Granted.
Government does not seek the Defendant's pretrial detention.
Oral Motion by the Government for Speedy Trial Waiver
Defendant Joshua Dillon Haynes’ VA criminal history:
Case #: GC15000746-00, Case #: GC15000747-00 and Case # GC15000748
Defendant: HAYNES, JOSHUA Offense Date: 02/24/2015 Hearing: 05/21/2015 —the final disposition of his 2015 Assault/Domestic Violence on a family member was “guilty” and he was sentenced to 12 months in jail but the Court agreed to the plea agreement and Defendant Haynes spent 1 month in jail.
In addition to the 2015 conviction for Assault (domestic violence) Defendant Haynes was also charged for illegal drugs, OBTAIN MONEY FALSE Pretense…
Court RoR’d Defendant Haynes & USAO-DC didn’t utter a word or file a motion.
If you get the sense that I am irate - good - that’s intentional. There is absolutely zero uniformity. No rhyme or reason for what the USAO-DC prosecutors have for these Domestic Terrorist. You didn’t “bother” filing a Motion to Detain. You didn’t file an objection to the Court RoR’ing a man who later beat and strangled his girlfriend. SHAME. ON. YOU. USAO-DC. SHAME. ON. YOU.
July 8, 2021 Defendant Joshua -was released by the Court and not to sound like a broken record, the Government didn’t even bother to file a Detention Motion. So the Magistrate Judge released Defendant Haynes. See DDC-ECF for Conditions of Release, see DDC-ECF for Bond —if I say a defendant was RoR’d there’s a 99.999% chance that I’ve read the docket, so you didn’t have to. But here’s my actual receipt to verify my previous assertion.
Government’s Aug 6, 2021 Emergency Motion -I guess late than never. - and the question still remains. Why didn’t the prosecutors either orally or on paper file a Motion on Detention when he made his initial appearance before a Federal Magistrate Judge? Why didn’t the prosecution request the Court detain the Defendant. For what ever reason the USAO-DC has for their haphazard approach, as it relates to the Jan6th Domestic Terrorist— had the USAO-DC moved to detain him, even temporarily then his girlfriend wouldn’t have been beaten up, strangled and otherwise terrorized by her Domestic Violence Abuser.
…July 27, 2021, the defendant was arrested at his residence in Covington, Virginia, on the charges of malicious bodily injury (felony), strangling (felony), and multiple misdemeanor charges for assault on a family member, and one count of destruction of property. See Exhibit 1. A Notice of Violation was filed in the District of Columbia. ECF No. 10. He has been in custody on the state charges since July 27 in Alleghany County, Virginia.
The government has obtained the police reports underlying the state arrest warrant, which have been provided to defense counsel in this matter, and will be filed under seal. These reports detail the domestic violence, assaultive conduct that is the subject of the defendant’s state arrest warrant, and demonstrate that the defendant has engaged in this conduct as recently as July 27, 2021.
Oh so NOW Detention is warranted…
Let me get this straight, in the USAO-DC view —one can violently enter our Capitol, get in to at least 2 separate physical alterations with law enforcement, destroy tens of thousands of Video Equipment belonging to CNN, engage in destruction of evidence, tamper with witnesses, blatantly lie to FBI agents but the USAO-DC refused to request detention on July 8, 2021. Only AFTER Defendant Haynes beat his girlfriend now suddenly “detention is warranted” GTFOH
The rebuttable presumption in this case is triggered by the defendant’s arrest on multiple state charges, including two felony charges, one for strangulation and one for malicious bodily injury Thus, there is probable cause to believe that the defendant committed multiple violations of state law while he was on home incarceration for his criminal conduct on January 6, 2021, creating a rebuttable presumption that detention is appropriate in this case.
Arguably had the USAO-DC requested Detention, a reasonable cause and effect; Defendant Haynes’ girlfriend probably would not have had to endured physical violence. Based on the State of Virginia’s warrants (see Exhibit 1) Defendant Haynes’ subjected his girlfriend to a month’s long cycle of abuse. For Example; starting in February 2021, the abuse appears to have escalated in June 2021 and a mere <3 days AFTER Defendant Haynes was RoR’d he started escalating his abuse of his girlfriend on July 11, 2021 thru July 27, 2021.
And to be clear this isn’t a scenario where the Government requested Detention but the Court denied the Government’s request. No on July 8, 2021 the Government did not file any motion for detention. Nor did the Prosector(s) object to Defendant Haynes’ release or being RoR’d. The Covington Police Department’s Affidavits are still under-seal. And while I managed to locate and listen to the various EMS, Fire & Rescue and what I’m 98.99% certain is the Covington PD broadcast scanner, I’m not going to elaborate on what the first responders chatter was. Beyond based on radio chatter/broadcast, it certainly sounded like Defendant Haynes inflicted serious injuries on his girlfriend.
And the fact the USAO-DC suddenly seeks an emergency request, first off the Allegheny County VA and/or Covington PD notified the USAO-DC shortly after July 27, 2021 -so why did it take the USAO-DC nearly 10 days to file an emergency motion. In fact the Judge had already issued an arrest warrant on July 30, 2021 —which means the USAO-DC also knew about the Release Conditions were violated. Trust me on this -read the 8 pages of exhibit 1 below and then wait for it…
EXHIBIT 1 —Arrest Warrants; Class 3, Class 6 felonies and 6 Misdemeanors
Exhibit # 1
In order to be accurate I’m going to walk you through the eight page exhibit but in reverse order because you need to understand the escalation in the domestic violence and Haynes’ girlfriend calling 911 on the afternoon of July 27, 2021 —When local law enforcement responded started to investigate the months long domestic violence she was subjected to. The escalation in the violence is incredibly problematic because based on the VA Warrants Defendant Haynes was charged with a 3rd and 6th degree felony and multiple misdemeanor charges.
Page 8 - do you see the date? That’s February 15, 2021 Haynes was charged with a misdemeanor §18.2-137 Injuring, etc., any property, monument, etc
Page 7 - notice the date? May 9, 2021 Defendant Haynes was charged with violating Virginia Statute §18-2-57.2 -Assault and battery against a family or household member is a class 1 misdemeanor crime
Page 6 - again do you see the date? YES May 14, 2021 —Haynes was charged with Virginia Statute §18-2-57.2 -Assault and battery against a family or household member is a class 1 misdemeanor crime
Page 5 —Haynes was charged with Virginia Statute §18-2-57.2 -Assault and battery against a family or household member is a class 1 misdemeanor crime. Again note the dates July 11 thru July 23, 2021
Page 4 Haynes was charged with violating Virginia Statute §18-2-57.2 -Assault and battery against a family or household member on July 27, 2021
Page 3 - again the date of the offense -when Defendant Haynes first strangled his girlfriend was May 14, 2021 §18.2-51.6 Strangulation of another - which is a class 6 felony
Page 2 - the date of this offense was July 27, 2021 - charged with violating Virginia Statute §18-2-57.2 -Assault and battery against a family or household member
Page 1 - date of offense was June 1, 2021 and Defendant Haynes was charged with violating Virginia Statute §18.2-51 - Shooting, stabbing, etc., with intent to maim, kill, etc - the statute reads in part (remember this charge is a class 3 felony) —which means on June 1, 2021 the Defendant did one of these violent actions to his live in girlfriend
If any person maliciously shoot, stab, cut, or wound any person or by any means cause him bodily injury, with the intent to maim, disfigure, disable, or kill, he shall, except where it is otherwise provided, be guilty of a Class 3 felony
Upon review of the Government's Emergency Motion to Revoke Bond and Issue an Arrest Warrant Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 3148(b) 11 and the Notice of Limited Filing Under Seal 12 , it is hereby ORDERED that the government's request for the issuance of an arrest warrant noted in the Motion 11 is DENIED AS MOOT, as this Court issued a warrant for Defendants arrest on July 30, 2021 based on the Pretrial Violation Report 10 .
It is FURTHER ORDERED that the government's request to revoke Defendant's bond noted in the Motion 11 will be HELD IN ABEYANCE. The Court will hold a hearing on the government's request to revoke Defendant's bond upon his arrest. Last, although the governments Notice of Limited Filing Under Seal 12 should have been filed as a motion, the Court hereby ORDERS that the Notice 12 and the attached document [12-1] shall be SEALED. LCrR 49(f)(6)(i)
And to make the accessibility of the ten+ court filings discussed in this article, you can Joshua Dillon Haynes Folder on my public drive -because I’m trying my level best to refrain from being an asshole on the second Tuesday of the month <snort>
At any rate I’ll be in my tiny corner silently collecting receipts and pumping out tasty fact-nuggets. But in all seriousness I’m not at all apologetic for my increased contempt towards the USAO-DC -and “acting” US attorney. Either get your house in order or expect some of us will make it our mission to highlight your ineptitude. Because the reasonableness of an expectation that the Domestic Terrorist, particularly those who beat law enforcement officers should be sitting in a jail cell. If the USAO-DC really wants to honor the “rule of law” then you owe it to the hundreds of law enforcement that used their bodies to protect our democracy.
—and to be clear —I told you that I would not be inclined to give the so called “Biden-DOJ” a wholesale pass. Acknowledging that the DOJ will make a decision that I will vehemently disagree with. Notwithstanding you’ll note, my grievances are secular to the “acting” U S Attorney for the District of Columbia.
Moreover my grievance is narrowly tailored to one office and one interconnected event, Jan6th when Donald Trump’s radicalized Domestic Terrorist decided to violently over through our Government’s Constitutional Duty to certify the Electoral College votes. I”m not one to make the folly of asserting the ubiquitous “the DOJ is bad” —NOPE, what I am saying is; the USAO-DC better get their house in order. Otherwise their haphazard Detention approach will be at the peril of every Jan6th case they are prosecuting and in the end the USAO-DC will only have themselves to blame.
“All I know is time is a valuable thing…
Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
Watch it count down like the end of the day..
…watch the time go out the window…”
-extra spicy today…
Outrageous! Being a traitor and terrorist should be ample reason to sit in jail while awaiting trial, yet this crazy dude was allowed to walk and apparently beat up his girlfriend repeatedly before being tossed in jail. Stuff like this will continue to embolden radicalized people since they see there's no real penalty.
How the helllllll is that dude not locked up with the key thrown away already. All of this, all of it is infuriating. Read a few parlays, f*cking lunatic. Now I’m going to go eat my Cheerios in a fit of rage. DOJ, do better please.