National Archives set to release additional records to the HSCJ6. Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony. Trump flipping tables, witness tampering & attempts to strangle his USSS agent.
That isn’t a clickbait headline. This is me telling you to keep an eye on July 8, 2022. That’s the date the National Archvist will release the records. These are same records have been in dispute..
…in the ongoing litigation between Trump, the HSCJ6 and the Biden Administration. To say that these records are of utmost importance to the HSCJ6, that might be an understatement. Conversely (speculation alert) these records might help the HSCJ6 Conmittee fill open holes in their ongoing investigation. When relevant I will provide you with original links to aforementioned original documents. Because facts are paramount and root documents help buttress those facts…
If anyone tells you that they knew what Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony would be (setting aside the HSCJ6 members) then they are truly out of their intellectual depths. Because I don’t think anyone knew just how many bombshells her testimony would contain herein… but before we dive into her live testimony I’d like to draw your attention to another matter. Specifically the NARA: ←again you should bookmark that landing page, and every document contained herein are in fact from the NARA, Biden White House and the HSCJ6 committee, along respective predecessor House Committees… grab a Red Bull and let’s get into it…
Prerequisite NARA background:
I get it that most individuals find tracking the various dots and datapoints, largely presented in a masterful way by the HSCJ6, a daunting task. Notwithstanding it is important that you dovetail the current HSCJ6 hearings with events at the National Archives (NARA).
I’d recommend you read this March 25, 2021 Letter from Chairwoman Carolyn B. Maloney, House Committee on Oversight and Reform, et al., to David Ferriero, Archivist, National Archives.
And then I’d recommend you read this August 25, 2021, House Select Committee Chairman Bennie G. Thompson's Letter to Archivist of the United States David S. Ferriero -because reading both letter will provide you with a sufficient predicate to fully understand the totality of aforesaid records.
To help you better understand the new-ish tranche of documents set to be released to the HSCJ6, embedded below are the previously published articles
October 2021: Trump is truly the living embodiment of a vexatious litigant…
November 2021: Trump v National Archives in attempt to once again thwart the lawful Congressional investigation. Updated with Trump’s response.
December 2021: This little orange piggy can cry “weee. weee. weee” all the way to 1 First St NE -SIGNIFICANT win for the Select Committee on Jan 6th
February 22, 2022: SCOTUS to Trump -Hard Pass- his petition was DENIED. End of the road for Trump
If you choose to take the TL:DR approach, I think I can concisely summarize the litigation surrounding Donald J Trump and more broadly the Trump Administration, as it relates to records:
Screw the PRA & FRA I’m Donald Trump - I’m absolutely above the law. The Constitution is for losers.
Some might view that prior statement as hyperbolic rhetoric. My counter argument would be; then you have clearly not paid attention, because Donald J Trump is the embodiment of a “vexatious litigant” —back in December 2021, I explained why I refer to Trump’s strategy as “Triple D”, you can read more here. In short it’s widely proven that Donald J Trump thinks and acts like he is above our Laws and thumbs his nose at our Constitution.
🚨June 22, 2022, White House Counsel Dana A. Remus's letter to Acting Archivist of the United States Debra Steidel Wall regarding Former President Donald J. Trump's March 8, 2022 and March 22, 2022 Assertion of Executive Privilege
White House had reached an accommodation with the Select Committee to prioritize documents related to certain custodians and that some of those records were pending review by the White House. The White House hasnow completed its review of additional records from the February 21st and March 7th notifications….
On July 8, 2022 NARA will transmit additional records to HSCJ6…
…provide to the Select Committee the records in that set identified as privileged by the former President. In light of the urgency of the Select Committee’s need for the information, the President further instructs you to provide thoserecords 15 days after your notification to the former President, unless prohibited by court order. (emphasis added)
🚨 June 23, 2022, Acting Archivist of the United States Debra Steidel Wall's letter in Response to Former President Donald J. Trump's March 8, 2022 and March 22, 2022 letter regarding the Assertion of Executive Privilege -no really read the second paragraph in the June 23, 2022 letter. The July 8, 2022 date isn’t arbitrary, it’s literally spelled out in 36 C.F.R. 1270 et seq and 44 U.S.C. 2201-2209.
…have determined to disclose to the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol (“Select Committee”) additional Presidential records from our February 21 and March 7, 2022, Notifications that you identified as privileged in your letters of March 8 and March 22, 2022, respectively. My staff can provide a complete list of the records that are subject to this letter upon request.
Again I’ve previously recommended that you bookmark this NARA landing page, and I genuinely mean you should bookmark: Because the importance of these records are largely affirmed by Trump’s efforts to litigate these records into a vacuous black hole. And the only way to disinfect the filth that is Donald J Trump is to drag him into the blinding sunlight… and I’m here for it, all of it.
Ironically I didn’t have this article in mind when I posted today’s Instagram saltwater therapy but it seems prescient, no? I figure if you made it this far into the article —then you might be in need of a pallet cleanser…
HSCJ6 & Cassidy Hutchinson testimony; “…as an American I was disgusted”
Several months ago I stated that Cassidy Hutchinson’s is an American patriot —in April 2022 I took the time to read all 248 pages in Meadows v Pelosi and explained why you should (have) read the April 2022 filing.
Additionally while some criticism regarding the HSCJ6 might be warranted —I do think the HSCJ6 has done an exemplary job of providing the American people the facts leading up to Jan6th. The fact some continue to criticize the HSCJ6 and spent the better part of 24 hours downplaying Ms Hutchinson’s testimony. Some might wonder why now? What new information will Cassidy Hutchinson provide the HSCJ6 and to the American people writ-large. Below are a few datapoints and facts you should be aware of:
Ms Hutchinson served in the Trump Administration, specifically
the White House Office of Legislative Affairs in 2019-2020,
and as a Special Assistant to the President in the Chief of Staff’s office from March 2020 through January 2021.
Ms Hutchinson recently fired her Trump Attorney and hired Jodi Hunt sometime in early June 2022
Mr Hunt has spent over two decades of honorable and distinguished service to our Country. Moreover he served as AG Sessions’ chief of staff, see DOJ archived page here
Ms Hutchinson’s is what’s known as a “fact witness” meaning she has direct knowledge, kept meticulous contemporaneous notes and continues to honor her “oath” …”support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic..” I recently wrote about the oath of office, you can read more here…
Until June 2022 -Ms Hutchinson had at least four separate depositions and it’s about 20+ hours of sworn testimony
“I’m the F’ing President. Take me up to the Capitol now." See video
On the morning of January 6, 2021 White House Counsel Pat Cipollone approached Cassidy Hutchinson and implored her to not allow the OTR travel to the Capitol. Because Cippllone warned that “they would all be charged with every crime imaginable” see video here

Donald J Trump, after being told that he would not be going to the US Capitol —allegedly lunged at the “beast’s” steering wheel, see video here
Meadows, Trump on January 6th…
With today’s live testimony from Cassidy Hutchinson’s, we now know that on January 2, 2021 Rudy Giuliani clearly knew about the Jan6th Insurrection (see video here) and that Trump had indeed planned to march to the US Capitol. But the US Secret Service agents did not allow for Trump’s OTR excursion to the Capitol.
The bottom line is both Trump and Meadows knew about the violence of his MAGA-Cult members. Literally everyone in the White House knew. Moreover Ms Hutchinson’s testimony should be viewed as a damning oral indictment of Trump, Meadows etc actions. Trump took deliberate and pre-meditated actions to obstruct an official proceeding. I think many of us assumed that Donald J. Trump would be a “disruptive and destructive” leader. And while most might obsess over Trump’s temper tantrums. What I find the most obscene and down right sick is this lawless POS likely destroyed numerous pieces of porcelain china. Which belongs to the American people yet Trump consistently flipped tables. That only substantiates the notion that Trump continually debased the Office of the President of the United States.
After today’s bombshell testimony - moreover on December 13, 2021 I asked a rhetorical question: Why has Mark Meadows not been indicted for aiding and abetting a domestic Terror attack? —and I stand behind every word (even the misspelled ones) in that aforementioned article. However I’d like to amend that question to:
Why has Donald J Trump & his co-conspirators not been indicted? No really WHY are Donald Trump and Mark Meadows in a jail holding cell…
A lot of folks might argue that the HSCJ6 has not proven Trump’s state of mind and premeditated actions. That argument is no longer valid. Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony. Additionally had the House Impeachment Managers known about what was happening behind the scenes, then the Senate would have sustained the impeachment (see February 2021 article here) because the Senators who voted “not guilty” thus allowing Donald J Trump (to once again) evade accountability for his lawless actions. Every Republican Senator should be ashamed of their vote in Trump’s second impeachment. When the secret service agents were trying to get Trump back to the West Wing, Trump literally tried to strangle a Secret Service Agent. Let that sink in.
If the question is: will a secret service agent testify before the HSCJ6, my rebuttal is “yes” and I’ll remind you of the Agent testimony during Ken Start’s investigation, SCOTUS rejected the so called “protective function privilege” theory, see archived November 1998 CNN Article. The two cases are:
As for premeditation, Trump knew (at around 10:26AM on Jan6th) that his supporters had numerous weapons, firearms, long guns, and some were wearing body armor.. And yet he ordered “the mags” so his domestic terrorist could be inside the Capitol with weapons. Trump knew, he just didn’t care.

and if you don’t think that Trump isn’t part of the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers Seditious Conspiracy. See previous Proud Boys Article, here and Oath Keepers Article here. Then I regret to inform you that you’re wrong. See HSCJ6 Video After today’s bombshell testimony— Trump, Meadows, Giuliani, Stone, Bannon should all be in Federal Custody. Period. Full Stop.
“Hang Mike Pence” Trump…
Trump literally did not care that (former) Vice President Pence life was in danger. That the domestic terrorist (that Trump and Fox News) fully radically, in Trump’s view the MAGA-Domestic Terrorist “didn’t do anything wrong”…

And let’s add Witness Tampering to the Trump Crime List
Because some might have overlooked Rep Cheney’s closing comments —this is in fact textbook witnesses tampering/intimidation…see 18 U.S.C. §1512 Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant.

At this point America and our Democracy owes a huge debt to Cassidy Hutchinson —especially in light of Mike Flynn and Roger Stone’s invocation of their fifth amendment rights. Her bravery. Her Testimony. Her honoring her oath of office. I have nothing but respect for this young lady. And individuals like Pat Cipollene cowardly refusal to appear before the HSCJ6 or to provide live testimony.
I really am going to go dark until Friday but as per usually my proof of life can be found via my Instagram account.
Until then …Be Well -Filey
PS did you know that Trump’s Truth Social and the company (Digital World Acquisition Corporation) that’s in the process of buying that Trump social media platform —all of their Board members were recently subpoenaed by the SEC. See Trump’s Truth Social June 27, 2022 Press Release.
Oh! We knew he was bad but holy shit! Mongrel was batshit crazy! We are extremely lucky to still have a democracy.
I was riveted by todays hearing. Many things stood out that disgusted me and made me sad for the country. Like you, the broken dishes made me really sad. The White House belongs to the people and all of its contents, historical artifacts down to china and flatware, are part of our living history. Jackie Kennedy picked out new china for the WH and though we can’t assume that’s what was destroyed, it’s the utter disregard for the privilege to live and work in the people’s house, gets to me. Testimony today suggested he broke china before and on multiple occasions with his outbursts. Also, ketchup and debris for others to mop up is so true to this monster’s nature. He’s a sociopath. Attacking a secret service guy by grabbing him around the neck, shows you he’s a psycho. We’ve known it from other reporting and his violence against women. He’s a monster…
But breaking dishes, upending tables by flipping tablecloths is such an embarrassment. Ugh.