House Overnight June 15th Hearing 2PM re: Jan6th Insurrection -updated- as promised after COB and it’s B-A-D
Full Committee Hybrid Hearing entitled “The Capitol Insurrection: Unexplained Delays and Unanswered Questions (Part II)”

Dear God that’s one helluva opening statement
That response took far too long. Documents obtained by the Committee show that beginning at 1:30 p.m., top officials at the Defense Department received at least 12 urgent requests for help from the Capitol Police Chief, the Mayor, and other officials. But after a series of delays, the National Guard did not arrive until 5:20 p.m., more than 4 hours after the Capitol perimeter was breached. This is a shocking failure, and today we intend to get to the bottom of why it happened
The newly obtained (and subsequently released) documents raise many questions about the Department of Defense leadership and Donald Trump - the revised timelines are horrifying
2:37 p.m. – During the conference call, Lt. Gen. Flynn and Lt. Gen. Piatt “recommend[] that D.C. National Guard standby and start drafting a plan for courses of action (COA).” They recommend “that the D.C. National Guard can take over more points and help relieve Law Enforcement Officers (LEOs) to go to the U.S. Capitol to assist USCP.”
2:41 p.m. – During the conference call, Lt.Gen. Flynn advises D.C. National Guard to “standby until the request has been routed to the [Army Secretary] and Acting Secretary of Defense.”
This is so beyond unacceptable- and if you get the sense of bubbling IRE towards Flynn, Acting Defense Secretary Miller - I want to know when Congress will subpoena Kash Patel and Ezra Cohen-Watnick - without burning my source - Congress should subpoena both forthwith because where there’s smoke - there is fire - they should also subpoena WhatsApp and their personal cell phones.
See the following
February 26, 2021 - Was the Jan 6th Insurrection, an act of Domestic Terrorism? Why have there been zero charges for “Domestic Terrorism”
March 2, 2021 - FBI Director Wray Senate Hearing was the insurrection an Act of Domestic Terrorism? YES - ABSOLUTELY
March 3, 2021 DC - National Guard Major General William Walker’s damning testimony - HERE IT IS - What some of us said would happen - THREE HOURS AND NINETEEN MINUTE DELAY FROM THE PENTAGON but Gen Charles Flynn and his brother’s Qanon oath?
March 18, 2021 -ODNI, DOJ and DHS Release Unclassified Summary of Assessment on Domestic Violent Extremism...newly declassified REPORT
March 28, 2021 - Zach Rehl-March 27, 2021 Case Update domestic terrorism invoked. FINALLY.
May 11, 2021 - House Oversight Hearing Jan6th Insurrection - no widespread voter fraud- Former “acting” Attorney General Jeffery Rosen expected to testify “no wide spread voter fraud ...that could over turn the 2020 General Election”
Also see March 29, 2021 letter from Congress to members of the US Capitol Police Board…which reads in part:
….we write today to express frustration with your unwillingness to release information to the public or answer media questions regarding the events of January 6 th, the current security posture of the U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) and plans to secure the Capitol Complex in the mid - and long-term future
June 16, 2021 Witnesses:
The Honorable Christopher A. Wray, Director Federal Bureau of Investigation
General Charles A. Flynn Commanding General1 -U.S. Army Pacific (see here, here and most recently here) and then I’ll remind you of the March 2021 testimony of Major General Walker. To date the Department of Defense has yet to adequately explain what caused the hours long delay…
Lieutenant General Walter E. Piatt, Director of the Army Staff United States Army
Ms. Yogananda Pittman (Invited) Acting Chief U.S. Capitol Police
WITNESSES written statements below
General Charles E. Flynn
Commanding General, U.S. Army Pacific
Lieutenant General Walter E. Piatt
Director of the Army Staff, United States Army
The Honorable Christopher Wray
Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation
Remember back in March 2021 the House Oversight sent numerous letters:
The House sent letters, which request all documents and communiques for three very specific timeframes - before, during and after the domestic terror attack (you can read more here, where I broke down the letters and explained the significance)
December 1, 2020 thru January 4, 2021
January 5, 2021 thru January 7, 2021
January 8, 2021 thru January 20, 2021
USCP OIG Previous Reports & Written Testimony
During the April 21, 2021 hearing the USCP-OIG discussed the lack of training and employees of the USCP secret or top secret security clearances. That to date this process has not been initiated. Absent proper training on “how to read the intelligence flash/alerts/reports” and lack of Secret or Top Secret clearance(s) the growing “insider threat” isn’t being properly addressed.
House Oversight Live Stream - June 15th - 2PM DC local time
…examine the events of January 6, 2021, in which insurrectionists stormed the U.S. Capitol to disrupt a joint session of Congress convened to count the Electoral College votes of the 2020 presidential election. This hearing will address unanswered questions about the January 6 insurrection, including the Trump Administration’s failure to anticipate, prepare for, and respond adequately to the attack.
Law Enforcement Agencies and Jurisdiction
Perhaps and sadly overlooked are the various law enforcement agencies and the various statute that authorizes jurisdiction. Below is a brief summary because facts matter and if we’re going to have a substantive discussion let’s start with “facts first” - because there seems to be some confusion and misinformation being amplified
U.S. Capitol Police (USCP)
Under 2 U.S.C. §1961, this explains the Capitol Police role and primary responsible for policing the Capitol building and grounds. The USCP can also work in tandem with the DHS-Federal Protective Service (FPS)2 I am genuinely surprised that Congress hasn’t called in “acting” (illegally appointed) DHS Sec Wolf —Under the aforementioned 2 U.S.C §1961 this authority, the Capitol Police are authorized to make arrests in the Capitol building or on Capitol grounds for “violations of any law of the United States, of the District of Columbia, or of any State” - USCP other role is to protect lawmakers, identify possible threats to lawmakers…if USCP grant FPS jurisdiction they can be called up in a reciprocity ad hoc agreement.
Metropolitan Police Department (MPD)
MPD is the primary law enforcement agency in the District of Columbia. MPD has the jurisdiction to investigate criminal offenses committed in the district.
IMPORTANT: MPD officers can make arrests on Capitol grounds, MPD cannot enter the Capitol grounds to make an arrest in response to a complaint, serve a warrant, or patrol the grounds without the consent or request of the Capitol Police (2 U.S.C. §1961(a)).
Per MPD General Order 310.01 re: U.S. Capitol Police - MPD 3can investigative responsibilities for crimes committed on the Capitol grounds are the responsibility ofthe Capitol Police, with the exception of homicide and serious sex offenses, which are jointly investigated by MPD and the Capitol Police. Again USCP must grant them authority
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Under 28 U.S.C. §533, this grants the FBI with authorization to investigate…”any federal crime where jurisdiction is not specifically assigned to another department or agency” As previously discussed (found here) the FBI’s investigatory priorities are (both domestic and international) terrorism and violent crime. As expected the FBI has taken the lead in identifying suspects wanted for crimes related to the unrest at the Capitol.
Capitol Breach Cases - USAO-DC database:
U.S. Marshals Service (USMS)
The USMS provides security for the judiciary, serves warrants issued by U.S. courts, apprehends fugitives, and transports prisoners (see 28 U.S.C. §566). USMS also serves a role as the sheriff’s office for Washington, DC. USMS has been involved in arresting people who are charged with crimes related to the breach of Capitol security.
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF)
pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §599A(b) -the ATF is responsible for investigating criminal and regulatory offenses related to federal firearms, explosives, arson, alcohol, and tobacco smuggling laws. ATF can also investigate cases of violent crime and domestic terrorism delegated to it by the Attorney General. - this is also important (further explained here)
On the day of January 6th —I distinctly remember telling my followers - Look this was well planned and coordinated that the QANON-MAGA had planted two pipe bombs at the RNC and DNC - knowing that USCP would be the first to respond. As it turns out that’s exactly what happened. You don’t have to take my word for it -because I can’t find my Twitter archive so here
Our immediate goal is to identify and locate the person who placed these devices before they harm themselves or others.
The two pipe bombs were placed near the Democratic National Committee Headquarters and Republican National Committee Headquarters on January 5th.
These devices were placed the evening before the Capitol riots — between 7:30pm and 8:30pm. One device was placed in an alley behind the RNC, located at 310 First Street, Southeast. The other was placed next to a park bench near the DNC, located at 430 South Capitol Street, Southeast, #3.
We have released video and photos of the individual, including of their shoes, the devices, and the kitchen timers used, in hopes that someone recognizes something familiar about them.
The person who placed these bombs wore a face mask, a grey hooded sweatshirt, and black and light grey Nike Air Max Speed Turf shoes with a yellow logo. They used a backpack to transport each of the devices.
The FBI, ATF, USCP and other Federal Law Enforcement still need the public’s help to identify the person who placed the pipe bombs
U.S. Park Police (USPP)
Pursuant to Section 102701 of Title 54 of the U.S. Code authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to establish a law enforcement agency to “maintain law and order and protect individuals and property” in the national parks system.In Washington,DC, the USPP primarily provide law enforcement services on the National Mall and the Ellipse. Also, under section 5-206 of the D.C. Code, USPP officers have general policing powers (e.g., the authority to make arrests based on probable cause or serve warrants) “on and within roads, parks, parkways, and other federal reservations” of Washington, DC. - again I’d like to know if or when David Longly Bernhard will be asked: did you deploy USPP? If so in what capacity and provide us with the exact time/date you activated them…
National Capital Region Mutual Aid -DMV (DC MD VA)
Section 7302 of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Protection Act of 2004 (P.L. 108-458, 42 U.S.C. §5196) authorizes representatives of the federal government; the mayor of Washington,DC; the governors of Maryland and Virginia; and the chief executive officers of a locality in the National Capital Region to enter into, request, or provide assistance through a mutual aid agreement for, among other things— “law enforcement services in support of an emergency or public service events” but it’s also important to remember the DMV (DC MD VA) National Guard while the Governors of MD & VA are the Commander in Chief (of their State’s respective National Guards), 1) the DC Mayor is NOT the Commander in Chief of the DC National Guard, and 2) MD and VA Governors are required to seek approval from the Secretary of Defense to come in to Washington DC.
The questions that remain unanswered are:
Did Trump ever call the Secretary of Defense
What took the three + our long delay in deploying the DC National Guard
Why did it take the DOD nearly FOUR hours to approve both Governor Hogan and Northam’s request to send in their State’s National Guard
Is “acting” Defense Secretary really “proud” of the hours long delay?
What role did Kash Patel and/or Ezra Cohen-Watnick play in the delay and/or withholding of important intelligence to the various law enforcement agencies
I’ve repeatedly referenced (found here and here)
The Department of Defense posted a detailed planning & execution timeline for the National Guard’s involvement in the January 6, 2021 violent attack at the U.S. Capitol. The document can be found here.
It is also important to remember that the US Secret Service clearly lacked the intelligence that would have warned them about the “anticipated” violence - this is born true because the Secret Service allowed both Vice President Pence AND Vice President Elect Harris to attend the Jan 6th joint session. Yes this was a catastrophic security breach but by the grace of God this did not turn into a mass casualty event. Because it’s clear just how close, we as a Country could have all born witness to Trump’s violent mob.
Unfortunately I have work commitments that will make me unavailable to watch the hearing in real time but this article should provide you with the prerequisite background information and how you can watch the hearing. As there are certainly many and I mean many unanswered questions. And I’m glad the House is conducting further public hearings. I want Donald Trump, “acting” Defense Secretary Miller, Kash Patel, Ezra Cohen-Watnick placed under oath and let the cameras roll. Until such time Congress does this imma gonna be a loud PITA.
The question of the three hour long delay by the Department of Defense and Mike Flynn’s Brother - I’m glad he’s testifying under oath.
Federal Protective Service also acts a law enforcement for the Executive Branch Agencies that do not have their own police force - (this includes facilities owned by the GSA) - their range of services include;
Conducting Facility Security Assessments
Designing countermeasures for tenant agencies
Maintaining uniformed law enforcement presence
Maintaining armed contract security guards
Performing background suitability checks for contract employees
Offering special operations including K-9 explosive detection
Monitoring security alarms via centralized communication centers
Conducting criminal investigations
Sharing intelligence among local/state/federal
Protecting special events
Training federal tenants in crime prevention and occupant emergency planning
Ensuring Building Security
There are several ways federal employees can take action every day to ensure the building where they work remains safe. This site provides guidance to federal agencies and employees on how take local proactive measures to ensure a safe and secure workplace with procedures on how to handle suspicious mail and bomb threats, how to evacuate, who to contact, and more.
Guidance for Occupant Emergency Plans (OEP)
The Federal Protective Service assists tenants with writing and implementing emergency plans to address the needs of the specific facility, including what local emergency responder coordination is required and how to establish communication procedures for building occupants.
Federal Protective Service Guidance for Occupant Emergency Planning
The Federal Protective Service assists tenants with writing and implementing emergency plans to address the needs of the specific facility, including what local emergency responder coordination is required and how to establish communication procedures for building occupants.
MPD applicable General Orders regarding USCP;
GO-310.01 signed/enforced on 3/7/2003 -U.S. Capitol Police
GO-310.03 signed/enforced on 12/1/1971 -Executive Protective Service
GO-310.04 -signed/enforced on 8/30/2002 Mutual Aid Agreement